First of all, I want to thank everyone who helped with our concession stand for Notre Dame football. You helped us to be a huge success and we were presented with another “Top Stand” award with a helmet signed by Coach Freeman! This project is what helps us financially to be able to fund all of the work that we do. Lippert and Interra Credit Union were a huge part of our success and Becky, you are hired!!
The Notre Dame football season was a HUGE moneymaker for us this season. We are going to be running a portable stand for Men and Women’s basketball, but we have told them not until after Christmas. But wait, there’s more! There is a very good chance that Notre Dame will have a playoff game at home! We won’t know for sure until after they play USC on November 30th and the rankings come out December 3rd from what I understand. With that being said, the game would most likely be December 20th or 21st. This would be amazing for the, but also for us. I know it is the holiday season and everyone is busy, but this is a big opportunity for us. I have already been starting to recruit. I will send more information out as soon as I have it. If you tell me you are able to help, please put it on your calendar because we depend on those who volunteer.
A couple of housekeeping items. As we now had to purchase all of our volunteer shirts and hats for Notre Dame, if you did not volunteer this year at all or only once and happen to have taken them home, please return them. We are trying to keep them and not have to purchase more.
Our next event on the calendar is Winding Brook. We will be collecting donations at the exit on December 22nd from 6-10 PM and December 24th 6-11 PM. Volunteers need to be at least 12 years old. Aside from those who already volunteered, please let me know if anyone is able to help.
All of the annual books have been turned in to National. In January, please bring any ideas to our meeting. We are looking at some program and event changes for the upcoming year.
Sandra Boldt
BSM #6 Chapter President